Improper Fraction to Mixed Number Calculator

Convert improper fractions into mixed numbers step by step

The calculator will convert the given improper fraction into a mixed number, with steps shown.

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Your input: convert $$$\frac{14}{5}$$$ into a mixed number.

Rewrite $$$14$$$ as $$$2 \cdot 5+4$$$: $$$\frac{14}{5}=\frac{2 \cdot 5+4}{5}=\frac{2 \cdot 5}{5}+\frac{4}{5}=2\frac{4}{5}$$$

So, $$$\frac{14}{5}=2\frac{4}{5}$$$

Answer: $$$\frac{14}{5}=2\frac{4}{5}$$$