Area between Curves Calculator

Find area between curves (under one curve) step by step

The calculator will try to find the area between two curves or just under one curve.

Enter functions:

Comma-separated, $$$y=f(x)$$$ or $$$x=g(y)$$$.

Enter a lower limit:

Leave empty for automatic determination. If you need `-oo`, type -inf.

Enter an upper limit:

Leave empty for automatic determination. If you need `oo`, type inf.

 One curve is above another on the given interval (don't check the points of intersection)

If for some functions the area can't be found, please write them in comments. The algorithm will be improved.

If the calculator did not compute something or you have identified an error, or you have a suggestion/feedback, please write it in the comments below.

Your input: find the area between the following curves $$$y = x^{2}$$$, $$$y = \sqrt{x}$$$ on the interval $$$\left(-\infty, \infty\right)$$$.


The area is $$$\frac{1}{3}\approx 0.333333333333333$$$.

For graphing the functions and the region, see graphing calculator (choose "Inequalities" from the dropdown menu).