Pseudoinverse Calculator

Calculate matrix pseudoinverse step by step

The calculator will find the Moore-Penrose inverse (pseudoinverse) of the given matrix, with steps shown.

Related calculator: Matrix Inverse Calculator


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Welcome to our Pseudoinverse Calculator! This user-friendly online tool is designed to help you compute the pseudoinverse of a matrix easily and efficiently. Also known as the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, this operation forms an integral part of linear algebra and is widely utilized in various fields such as data analysis, machine learning, and computer graphics.

How to Use the Pseudoinverse Calculator?

  • Input

    Start by entering your matrix in the appropriate fields. Our calculator allows you to input matrices of various sizes, so whether you have a 2x2 or a 3x3 matrix, you can calculate its pseudoinverse.

  • Calculation

    Once you've entered the matrix correctly, simply click on the "Calculate" button. Our calculator will process the input matrix and find the pseudoinverse matrix.

  • Result

    After you click "Calculate," the pseudoinverse of the input matrix will be displayed in the result area. You can check the output and use it as required. If you need to perform additional calculations, simply clear the existing input and results by clicking the "Clear" button and then input your new matrix.

Pseudoinverse: What Is It?

The pseudoinverse, or more specifically the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse, is a generalization of the concept of the matrix inverse. For non-square or singular matrices that do not have a standard inverse, the pseudoinverse provides a "best fit" solution.

Consider a matrix $$$A$$$, the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of $$$A$$$, commonly denoted as $$$A^+$$$, is a unique matrix that provides the closest approximation to the inverse of $$$A$$$, particularly when the inverse doesn't exist in a standard sense.

The pseudoinverse is calculated in a way that it satisfies the following four Moore-Penrose conditions:


These conditions ensure that the pseudoinverse behaves as much like an actual inverse as possible given the constraints of the matrix.

For example, let's take an example where $$$A$$$ is a 3x2 matrix:


To calculate the pseudoinverse, we need to first compute the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the matrix $$$A$$$. The SVD of $$$A$$$ can be represented as $$$A=U\Sigma V^*$$$, where $$$U$$$ and $$$V^*$$$ are orthogonal matrices and $$$\Sigma$$$ is a diagonal matrix.

The pseudoinverse $$$A^+$$$ can be computed as $$$A^+=V\Sigma^+U^*$$$, where $$$\Sigma^+$$$ is the pseudoinverse of the diagonal matrix $$$\Sigma$$$.

$$$\Sigma^+$$$ is computed by taking the reciprocal of all non-zero elements in $$$\Sigma$$$ and then transposing the matrix.

Why Is the Pseudoinverse Important?

The Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse plays an important role in many areas of applied mathematics and engineering. In particular, it is commonly used in systems of equations that do not have a unique solution.

In summary, the pseudoinverse is an important concept in linear algebra that provides an approximation to the inverse of a matrix when the classical inverse does not exist or is not applicable. Its understanding and application are essential in many fields where matrix operations are fundamental.

Why Choose Our Pseudoinverse Calculator?

  • Efficiency

    Our pseudoinverse calculator swiftly processes input matrices of various sizes to provide you with the pseudoinverse. This efficiency saves you precious time, especially when working on large matrices.

  • Accuracy

    The algorithm that lies at the core of our pseudoinverse calculator is designed to maintain high computational accuracy, so you can trust the results it provides.

  • User-Friendly Interface

    With an intuitive and straightforward interface, our calculator makes it easy for users to input their matrices and obtain results. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a beginner in linear algebra, you'll find our tool user-friendly and easy to navigate.

  • Flexibility

    Our pseudoinverse calculator isn't just limited to square matrices. It handles non-square matrices, making it a flexible tool for a wide range of mathematical problems.


What is the pseudoinverse of a diagonal matrix?

The pseudoinverse of a diagonal matrix is quite straightforward to calculate. You just need to replace each non-zero diagonal element with its reciprocal, leaving the zero elements unchanged. In mathematical terms, if $$$D$$$ is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements $$$d_i$$$, the pseudoinverse $$$D^+$$$ will have diagonal elements $$$\frac{1}{d_i}$$$ wherever $$$d_i\ne0$$$, and zero elsewhere.

What is the pseudoinverse of a zero matrix?

The pseudoinverse of a zero matrix is simply another zero matrix of the same dimensions. This is because the zero matrix doesn't have any non-zero elements that could be reciprocated in the process of calculating the pseudoinverse.

What's the difference between a normal inverse and a pseudoinverse?

A normal inverse exists only for square, non-singular matrices. When you multiply a matrix by its inverse, you get the identity matrix.

On the other hand, the pseudoinverse, specifically the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, exists for all matrices: square, non-square, singular, or non-singular. The pseudoinverse provides an approximate solution when the normal inverse can't be calculated, such as for non-square or singular matrices. When a square, non-singular matrix is multiplied by its pseudoinverse, the result is the identity matrix, just like with the normal inverse.

Can I use the pseudoinverse calculator for matrices of any size?

Our pseudoinverse calculator is designed to handle matrices of various sizes. Whether you have a 2x2 matrix or a larger one, you can calculate its pseudoinverse using our calculator. Just ensure you enter the matrix correctly, and the calculator will do the rest.