Limit Calculator

Calculate limits step by step

This free calculator will try to find the limit (two-sided or one-sided, including left and right) of the given function at the given point (including infinity), with steps shown.

Enter a function:

Choose a variable:

Find the limit at:

If you need `oo`, type inf.

Choose a direction:

If the calculator did not compute something or you have identified an error, or you have a suggestion/feedback, please write it in the comments below.


Your input: find $$$\lim_{x \to -3^\mathtt{\text{+}}} \frac{2 x^{3} + 15 x^{2} + 22 x - 11}{x^{2} + 8 x + 15}$$$

The function grows without a bound:

$$\lim_{x \to -3^\mathtt{\text{+}}} \frac{2 x^{3} + 15 x^{2} + 22 x - 11}{x^{2} + 8 x + 15} = \infty$$


$$\lim_{x \to -3^\mathtt{\text{+}}} \frac{2 x^{3} + 15 x^{2} + 22 x - 11}{x^{2} + 8 x + 15} = \infty$$

Answer: $$$\lim_{x \to -3^\mathtt{\text{+}}} \frac{2 x^{3} + 15 x^{2} + 22 x - 11}{x^{2} + 8 x + 15}=\infty$$$